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Read the latest edition of the AGRIFOODSA Magazine


Thank you for picking up the February | March 2022 copy of the AGRIFOODSA Magazine.

It’s the month of love and that’s something to celebrate. Whether it be brotherly love, maternal love or romantic love, February reminds us of creative and special ways to show and tell others that they are meaningful to us, that we appreciate them, and that they are loved.

This month we’re showing some love to our cover featured advertiser, World Focus Agri. World Focus Agri will help you enhance plant vitality, while protecting the environment and restore your land. They provide support for the agricultural community, maximizing harvests of all crops through the process of introducing a natural product into the biological lifecycle. They concentrate on developing and producing organic, as well as biologic growth stimulants and enhancers via root and leaf applicants. World Focus changes the conventional view of plant protection to plant health via the biology. To find out more about their products and services, go to

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, be sure to check out our bi-monthly competition on to stand a chance to win a R1000 voucher sponsored by MES Consultants South Africa.

Apart from the magazine, be sure to have a look at our offerings on the AGRIFOODSA.INFO website, and find us on all major social media platforms.

To sign up to our bi-monthly newsletter, pop an email over to

In closing, I encourage you to stop and think about all the ways you can show love in your day-to-day dealings with others. Be unselfish for the month of February. Just try it. Spend more time making those around you happy. Smile and say hello to strangers. Be patient; be kind. There is more joy in giving than in receiving—of this I’m sure.

We love you all.