Soil Management To Perfection With Johnson Soil Augers & Samplers
Environmental awareness is now almost a catchword and importantly our soils provide an essential medium for terrestrial life. For far too long many humans have regarded the soil simply as a medium into which we can deposit our waste. Perhaps because we bury ourselves in it we think it will ultimately cope with all other human practices – good or bad ?
Agricultural productivity is hugely influenced by soil management which cannot be achieved without survey, sampling and understanding – soil augers are an essential tool in this process.
Frustrated by not being able buy soil augers for my work as a soil scientist and agricultural and environmental planning professional I established Johnson Soil Augers in 1972.
We have been supplying South Africa with these hand operated tools for 49 years. During that time we have improved our designs and quality and achieved a small range of international standard augers and sampling tools. We have developed our augers to cope with and perform in the tough soil conditions experienced in the somewhat dry, semi-arid regions of South Africa. As such we produce tougher and more abrasion-resistant tools than our international competitors.
Not only this but our prices are way below them.
Johnson bucket augers are used for drilling and sampling in dry and compacted soils. We also manufacture an open sided bucket auger which is ideal for moist compact conditions.
Post hold digging is made easier with our 150mm post hole auger.
Our Dutch augers are ideal for moist, wet and clay soils and are the same tried and tested design that was presumably developed in Holland where these soil conditions prevail.
We also manufacture the Beater rapid Sampler which was developed by the South African Sugar Association for field fertility sampling. This ingenious, handlebar-framed unit has a tapered bolt-on soil probe at the bottom with a sample bag attached to it. Pushed into the soil, the probe extracts a soil core which falls into the sample bag when turned up-side-down. The unit is then ready for the next sample. This enables quick and accurate multiple sampling.
Our Johnson soil probe is ideal for turf and irrigation managers, enabling quick, small core topsoil sampling.
Use Johnson’s Soil Augers:
- For Effective soil sampling
- Soil Classification
- Profile Inspection
- Post-hole digging
- Water Table Studies
- Soil Mositure Determination
- Tree seedling holes
- Soil compaction inspection
- Contact us for special applications
- Can be operated by one person
- Portable
- Are Ideal quick and easy drilling over 5 metres
- Have a range tools and bits for different applications
- Are highly effective
- Are Hard wearing
- Are long lasting
- Ideal for Rapid fertility sampling
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