The Council regulates the occupations of fresh produce, export and livestock agents and maintain and enhance the status and dignity of those occupations and the integrity of persons practicing those occupations, according to Section 9, Agricultural Produce Agents Act, 12 of 1992.
An agent is a person who acts on behalf of a principal, by selling the principal's produce to buyers such as hawkers, wholesalers and retailers. Most agents operate on fresh produce markets. Prices of fresh produce is not predetermined but discovered in terms of the supply and demand principle. The agent receives a negotiated commission or is paid according to sales volume at a rate or scale for services rendered.
Per the definition above the agency, it's owners (this includes, but are not limited to directors, members, trustees, etc.) and all agents must register at APAC.
Fresh Produce Agents
An agent is a person who acts on behalf of a principal, by selling the principal's produce to buyers such as hawkers, wholesalers and retailers. Most agents opoerate on fresh produce markets. Prices of fresh produce is not predetermined but discovered in terms of the supply and demand principle. The agent receives a negotiated commission or is paid according to sales volume at a rate or scale for services rendered.
Livestock agents act on behalf of a principal and their income is based on commission or a fee, paid by the producer for services rendered.
Section 16 (1)(b) of the APA Act indicates that no person shall perform any act as a livestock agent unless he or she is registered with APAC.
Livestock agents can voluntarily register with the South African Federation of Livestock Agents (SAFLA).
Export Agents
Export agents act on behalf of producers and their income is based on commission or a fee, paid by the producer for services rendered. Section 16 (1)(a) of the APA Act indicates that no person shall perform any act as an export agent unless he or she is registered with APAC. Export agents can voluntarily register with the Fresh Produce Exporters Forum (FPEF).