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The KragDag Expo is a premier event that brings together enthusiasts and professionals from various industries to showcase and explore innovations in sustainability, renewable energy, and self-reliance. Held annually, the expo has grown to become a significant platform for networking, education, and inspiration in South Africa.
As the world progresses into the digital era, the agricultural sector in South Africa stands at the brink of a transformative journey. With technology rapidly integrating into every facet of our lives, the relevance of agriculture in a digital age cannot be overstated. And NAMPO 2024, the 56th presentation of the Harvest Day from 14 - 17 May 2024 is geared to showcase the newest trends and developments on offer
As the world progresses into the digital era, the agricultural sector in South Africa stands at the brink of a transformative journey. With technology rapidly integrating into every facet of our lives, the relevance of agriculture in a digital age cannot be overstated. And NAMPO 2024, the 56th presentation of the Harvest Day from 14 - 17 May 2024 is geared to showcase the newest trends and developments on offer!
Dáárom sê Sakeliga KragDag vanjaar ‘Daar is ‘n alternatief!’ by ons tweede Wes-Kaap-selfstandigheidsekspo by Môreson Plaas buite Malmesbury vanaf 21 to 23 Maart, 2024.
Bredasdorp is getting ready for the annual NAMPO Cape Expo, which will be presented from 13-16 September 2023 by Grain SA and the Bredasdorp Park NPC on Bredasdorp Park.
August 29, 2023, NAMPO Park, South Africa – The eagerly awaited NAMPO ALFA 2023 is on the horizon and taking place from 12-14 October 2023 on NAMPO Park, just outside Bothaville. Last year's amalgamation of champion animals, visionary vehicles, outdoor gear, and firearms drew multitudes to NAMPO Park, underscoring the enduring allure of the reimagined ALFA Expo.
CSIR INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE PRETORIA PLANT NUTRITION: NEW DIMENSIONS IN TECHNOLOGICAL AND AGRONOMICAL ADVANCES Do not miss this opportunity to personally meet these internationally respected experts!!!!!
Saai’s popular Lamb Champs competition was held at Loftus on Saturday 29th July. It was once again a huge success and gave sheep farmers from all over the country exposure to the consumers
In die dageraad van 'n nuwe era, staan ons op die drempel van 'n opwindende toekoms. Dit is tyd om ‘n lyn in die sand te trek, om 'n definitiewe standpunt in te neem. Nie teen iets of iemand nie, maar vir iets – jouself, jou drome, jou potensiaal. En te midde van alle uitdagings en onsekerhede wat ons huidige omstandighede ons bied, is dit tyd om 'n beslissende keuse te maak: om jou Vryheid te lééf.
NAMPO 2023, which was presented last week by Grain SA near Bothaville in the Free State, was the NAMPO of old that the agricultural community of South Africa has come to know and appreciate over the past 55 years.
The 63rd Annual Fertasa Congress TOOK PLACE ON THE 20TH OF APRIL AT THE CSIR INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE IN PRETORIA Sponsorship was provided by Standard Bank, Inteligro and GuanoBoost. The theme of the congress was Dealing with Challenges in Uncertain Times.
A showcase of the newest trends and technology innovations is NAMPO’s promise to visitors at the 55th presentation of the Harvest Day from 16-19 May 2023
KAL Group and ETGL enters into strategic agreement for the retailing of farm equipment and automotive products. ETG Logistics (ETGL), the logistics and distribution vertical of Export Trading Group, and the JSE-listed KAL Group have entered a strategic partnership to provide local producers with an extended range of versatile, compact, and cost-effective tractors and automotive products to improve efficiencies on farms.
Die huidige opvoedkundige stelsel in Suid-Afrika is ontwerp om aan die behoeftes van die industriële rewolusie te voldoen met die fokus op die produsering van 'n werksmag wat bedrewe is in basiese geletterdheid, syfervaardighede asook tegniese vaardighede. Tog is daar in die teenswoordige, vinnig veranderende wêreld 'n groeiende behoefte aan 'n meer buigsame en innoverende benaderings tot onderwys wat kan aanpas by die eise van die 21ste eeu.
In advance of World Water Day on Wednesday 22 March, experts are warning that time is running out - we must stop industrial farming’s assault on fresh water supplies before it’s too late. Compassion in World Farming, organisers of the Extinction or Regeneration conference, and experts speaking at the ground-breaking international event are calling for an end to water-polluting industrial farming and a shift to global practices that are climate and nature-friendly to protect precious fresh water supplies.
KragDag wat reeds sedert 2008 net buite Pretoria aangebied word, het verlede week sy eerste ekspo in die Wes-Kaap aangebied. Die Sakeliga KragDag Ekspo is die hoogtepunt op die KragDag-kalender en bied ʼn uitstalkas vir energie- en ander selfstandigheidsoplossings.  
In die onlangse reaksie van die Cape Chamber of Commerce verklaar hulle dat Ramaphosa se Noodtoestand ‘n selfskepping van die regering is en dat Ramaphosa beter sou gedoen het om nie ‘n “State of Disaster” te verklaar nie, maar ‘n “State of Disgrace”. Die energie toestand is 'n Rampdebakel – nie ‘n Noodtoestand nie.
KragDag, die bekende doen-jou-eie-ding selfstandigheidsekspo, sal saam met Sakeliga as hoofborg, vir twee dae ‘n “kragstasie” in die Wes-Kaap, net buite Malmesbury oprig wanneer dié ekspo vir die eerste keer op 17 en 18 Februarie 2023 op die bekende Môreson Plaas aangebied word.

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