Agri Tech Equipment is a South African Based Company that Imports the Highest Quality and extensive range of Agricultural machinery.
Our basic idea is to satisfy the user’s requirements for quality products which ensure efficient, punctual and precise application of Agricultural products.
Whether you are a farmer or a contractor, if you are looking for a solution shaped by your requirements, Agri Tech can supply, deliver and install a wide range of products for any sector of agriculture.
We are driven by commitment and integrity, every stage in the process gets thoroughly checked to insure always the highest quality is met.
Agri Tech is proud to be a company that services its customers with before and after sales and works with a sense of responsibility and is dedicated to constantly improve and renew itself.
- Sprayers
- Turbo Automizer
- Pumps
- Regulators
- Spreaders
- Land Leveler
- Finger Wheel Rake