Brits Bag Manufacturers (B.B.M.) is a company dedicated to servicing the needs of an ever growing and developing agricultural and commercial packaging market.
B.B.M. employs a highly skilled and experienced core operations management staff to ensure that its products remain on the cutting edge of product developments so that market trends and developments can be met. B.B.M. specialises in the manufacture of woven polypropylene (WPP) bags, woven polypropylene (PP) vegetable pockets, low and high density polyethylene pipe (in classes 3,6 and 10) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) fire resistant fencing droppers.
The International Group of Companies, with its head office in the North West Province – South Africa, has been built up over more than six decades into a market leading multi million Rand plastic textile concern.
Exceptional quality at extremely competitive prices coupled with outstanding customer service have always been synonymous with The International Group of Companies and the benchmarks against which this group continuously evaluates its performance.
The majority of its shareholders and directors are from the previously disadvantaged community and thus The International Group is recognised as a Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) / black owned company.
The International Group employs a staff of over 600 people and is headed by team of highly
experienced and dedicated operational managers.
The International Group of Companies is composed of four specialist companies namely:
Landpak (Pty) Ltd , Brits Bag Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd (BBM); International Bag Buyers (Pty) Ltd (IBB) and YouFam CC.
Exceptional quality shade cloth products at highly competitive prices in 3 formats namely:
- Landpak Agrishade - for commercial agricultural and nursery applications
- Landpak Supershade - for commercial, industrial and domestic applications
- Landpak Builder's Shade - for the construction, mining and demolition industries
All of our shade cloth products are manufactured from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) monofilaments and tapes. By utilising only the purest polymer and the latest Ultra Violet (U.V.) inhibitors, a minimum life expectancy of 8 years is achieved.
Knitted Vegetable Pockets
Material: Manufactured from virgin High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
Sizes: Available from 2kg to 25kg
Colours: The colour requirements of knitted vegetable pockets is typically crop specific, and a
wide range of colours is available to meet this requirement including: green, white, yellow,
orange, red, purple, mandarin and tangerine
Courses per cm: As per customer requirements
Construction: Pillar stitch - HDPE monofilament. Filler stitch - HDPE flat tap.
Woven Vegetable Pockets
Material: Manufactured from virgin Polypropylene (PP)
Sizes: Available in 10kg and 25kg
Colours: The colour requirements of woven vegetable pockets is typically crop specific, and a range of colours including: green, red, brown purple and white is available to meet this requirement
Construction:Polypropylene monofilament. Polypropylene tape.
Circular Woven (WPP) Bags
Material: Manufactured from virgin Polypropylene (PP) and containing anti-UV additives to ensure a minimum life expectancy of 3 months.
Sizes: Available in a range of sizes from 30cm × 45cm - 72cm × 120cm
Colours: A wide range of colours is available including: red, green, orange, white, purple, brown, black , blue and yellow
Printed Bags: WPP bags are available as plain or printed. Printing is customised to suit the clients individual requirements
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We offer a range of twines that includes net twine, lacing cord and washing lines, all of which are available
in a variety of colours
Net Twine
Material: Manufactured from either High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polypropylene (PP) or Low
Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
Availability: Available in rolls of 100g (100m) up to 4kg (4000m)
Colours: Available in: white, black, red, orange and brown
Application: Our net twine has proved very popular in the agricultural sector, particularly
amongst tomato and hops farmers
Lacing Cord
Material: Manufactured from either High Density Polyethylene (HDPE),
Polypropylene (PP) or Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
Availability: Available in rolls of 20m lengths with a diameter of 2mm
Colours: Available in: white, black, red, orange and brown
Application: Joining, fastening down and repairing shade net
Washing Line
Material: Manufactured from either High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polypropylene (PP) or Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
Availability: Available in rolls of 20m lengths with a diameter of 4mm
Colours: Available in: white, black, red, orange and brown
Application: A cost effective and durable washing line solution
Moulded Plastics
A recent addition to our product catalogue has been that of molded plastics - specifically plastic fencing droppers and plastic pipe.
Plastic Fencing Droppers
Material: Manufactured from Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
Sizes: Available in standard lengths of 1.2m - 3m with an internal diameter of 20mm - 25mm
Avantages of Plastic Fencing Droppers
- Have proven to be fire resistant in fires of moderate heat i.e. controlled fire breaks
- Have been used successfully on electric fences as they do not drain electrical
current like traditional droppers - Extremely durable and weather resistant
Polyethylene Plastic Piping
Material: Manufactured from either Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) or High
Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
Sizes: Available in standard length rolls of 100m and in diameters of 20mm - 110mm
Piping Class: Available in classes 3, 6 and 10
Avantages of Polyethylene Plastic Piping
- Sediment and lime will not build up as readily as with traditional pipe
- Easy to join
- Cannot rust
Miscellaneous Molded Plastics
We offer an extensive range of miscellaneous molded plastic products that includes:
- Boilers (22 litre)
- Buckets (5 litre - 25 litre)
- Chairs - in a range of trendy colours
- Drums (50 litre - 220 litre)
- Dustbins (available as standard or with wheels)
- Basins (35cm - 46cm)
- Tubs (65 litre)
In response to our customer's needs, we keep an extensive range of hardware products - specifically for the agricultural, industrial and domestic sectors.
Our range of Hardware products includes:
- Packaging machines
- Pallet jacks
- Trolleys
- Tarpaulins
- Implements and tool
- Electrical supplies (adaptors, cords, plugs and globes)
- Protective clothing (including boots, shoes and overalls)
We offer a wide range of packaging materials in soft plastic, fomo, cardboard and paper format to service the needs of the agricultural, commercial and industrial sectors.
Cardboard and Paper Packaging
Our range of cardboard and paper packaging includes:
- Cardboard cartons and boxes in a variety of sizes - for fruit and vegetable packaging
- Egg trays
- Paper bags - for potato and charcoal packaging
Fomo Packaging
Our range of fomo packaging includes:
- Fomo trays and containers (in sizes 2 - 80)
- Fomo cups (125ml - 350ml)
- Seedling trays
Soft Plastic Packaging
Our range of soft plastic packaging includes:
- Plastic bags (butcher, handy, ice, mini grip, vegetable, fruit etc.)
- Plastic plant bags (1 litre - 18.8 litre)
- Plastic bottles and lids (250ml - 2 litre
Miscellaneous Packaging Materials
We also carry a wide range of miscellaneous plastic packaging materials including:
- Tags & Stickers
- Staplers & Staples
- Tape
- Wrapping Film
- Crates
- Dispensers
- Fastening equipment
- Pallet packaging
- Plastic Rolls