Oro Agri SA (Pty) Ltd develops and manufactures patented surfactants, pesticides, soil-improvers and foliar feeds for agricultural, home and industrial applications worldwide. Our products have a low impact on the environment, while providing an effective yet residue-free solution to our clients.
Oro Agri SA (Pty) Ltd creates value for customers, business partners, employees and shareholders by providing effective and innovative solutions for sustainable crop protection and improvement.
Oro Agri SA (Pty) Ltd aspires to be an indispensable partner to all business stakeholders through the supply of unique technology to a global client-base for the promotion of sustainable crop protection.
Customers can tap into Oro Agri’s wealth of knowledge and expertise through a team of trained technical account managers that support our range of products in the field. These products include Adjuvants, Bio-pesticides, Soil conditioners and Bio-stimulants. Another unique feature of Oro Agri in South Africa is their team of field specialists who conduct demo trials on farm to demonstrate the benefits of these products in real-world situations.
Based on OROWET ® technology. OROWET ® technology consists of natural, cold-pressed orange oil and a proprietry blend of surfactants. At low rates WETCIT DUO and OROSORB DUO can be used as a multi-purpose surfactant to improve wetting and coverage of sprays.
OROSORB DUO can be applied as a bio-pesticide providing fast knockdown of insects, mites and diseases with no residual activity. OROSORB DUO can be used in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems, with minimal impact on beneficial insect poplulations. Orange oil has been exempted from MRL (Maximum Residue Level) restrictions, and therefore OROSORB DUO has no pre-harvest interval.
OROSORB DUO does not penetrate or block the stomata of plants. It is also much safer, and less phytotoxic. Compared to mineral oils, using OROSORB DUO will have no negative impact on fruit size, sugar levels, yield or natural resistance to sunburn. OROSORB DUO also breaks down faster and does not accumulate in the environment like mineral oils.
A soil conditioner based on OROWET ® technology. TRANSFORMER and ORO-SOIL are used as a soil application to improve infiltration rate and drainage of water in soil. Various soil restrictions, such as compaction, hydrophobicity, excessive run-off, poor drainage, poor water holding in sandy soil, can be alleviated to improve root growth, horizontal water movement in drip lines and water holding in some situations.
Crop4Life is a blend of natural plant flavonoids derived from bitter orange extract, together with plant derived organic acids. All formulated in a proprietary process to achieve a very stable, most consistent, and highly soluble formulation. Crop4Life enhances photosynthesis and increased secondary metabolite levels, improving production of carbohydrates
Foliar fertilizers for general use. This product uses special humate and adjuvant technology to aid the uptake of the macro and micro nutrients when plants are under stress whether due to environmental factors or a particular growth stage.
OROCOP is a suspension concentrate contact fungicide and bactericide for the control of diseases on crops as indicated.