The Southern African Grain Laboratory NPC (SAGL) is an independent non-profit laboratory, created in 1997 by the grain industry to act as a Reference Laboratory for grain and oilseeds.
The SAGL provides an internationally competitive range of laboratory services on grain, oilseeds and products thereof including food, feed, and feedstuffs.
These services are driven by the needs of the broader grain industry. ISO 17025 accredited test methods are implemented within a comprehensive quality system.
The stakeholders serviced by the SAGL include grain and oilseed producers, the handling and storage industry, processors including the baking, milling and animal feed producing industries, traders of agricultural commodities, commercial seed breeding companies, agricultural research institutes and since 2016, also companies producing crop protection products.
In our endeavor to provide accurate and reliable analytical data as the grain and oilseed analysis reference laboratory, the SAGL is proud to maintain our accreditation status under the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 17025. SANAS (South African National Accreditation System) perform regular surveillance audits to confirm the accreditation status of the laboratory. SANAS is a signatory to the international laboratory accreditation community (ILAC), thus our accreditation is recognized internationally.
The Crop Protection Division of the SAGL also comply with the OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practices, an additional accreditation provided by SANAS.
SCOPE OF SERVICES:The analysis scope includes milling, grading, physical, chemical, rheological, baking, mycotoxin as well as macro- and micronutrient analyses. The SAGL also provide analytical and training services to customers in most Southern African countries as well as other African countries.
The SAGL has expanded the scope of analysis by adding a Crop Protection Division in 2016 to support the broader agricultural community in Southern Africa with accurate and reliable analytical results for registration of plant protection products, quality control analysis after manufacturing, the extension of shelf-life and seed treatment analyses.
The Southern African Grain Laboratory NPC (SAGL):
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