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Read the latest edition of the AGRIFOODSA Magazine


2017 has kicked off with a BANG!, and with it new aspirations and challenges for the 12 months ahead. January is about beginnings and there is something about the start of a new year that makes me excited to dig in my heels and set new goals.

This issue is all about being the best, starting with welcoming our newest team member, Erika Roodt. Erika will be helping us land all the biggest and more unique advertisers in the Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga areas for your perusal.

If you're thinking about focussing all your attention on more specific tasks, we're right there with you. We've nabbed Liesel Dorfling to head up our Mechanisation section (see pages 66 - 77) and bring you all the latest and greatest companies to get your tractor engines revving.

If your goal is to downsize in 2017, especially after the typically-greedy holiday season, you will be impressed to find that we've beat you to it with a slightly smaller, more focussed selection of advertisers in this edition.

Maybe this is the year you branch out and give a supplier and/or service provider the opportunity to blow your socks off.

Another popular goal: A pledge to finish what you've started, is what we've been spending a lot of time on and we're very excited to let you know that the muchanticipated AGRIFOODSA.INFO website is just about
ready to be revealed. (See pages 42-43 and 78-79 for more information.)

2016 was a rollercoaster of huge changes and I'd like to take this opportunity to bid farewell to Nicole Muller and Zelda Dalhouzie and wish them wisdom, inspiration and motivation to continue on their life's journeys.

Whether you have a list of resolutions or zero, here's to starting out 2017 with a positive outlook. Anything is possible and I like to think that this will be our best year ever.

Chantell Schmahl