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Read the latest edition of the AGRIFOODSA Magazine


It is with heaps of pride and oodles of enthusiasm that AGRIFOODSA presents the second edition of our Suppliers Guide Magazine.

After the success of our first edition, we have strived to boost our content and expand our distribution to please farmers and agricultural enthusiasts from every corner of our beautiful country.  Diversity is a buzzword we intend to explore by featuring a variety of advertisers to suit every need that may arise in the ever-expanding agricultural and secondary industries.

We have gone through some structural changes in preparation for this edition.  Firstly, I would like to thank Leon Schmahl for stepping up as interim editor-in-chief for our May/June 2016 issue.  We are thrilled to utilise his methodical work ethic in his new role as production manager.  Secondly, Anel Botha has moved on from our company and we would like to wish her continued success in her new endeavour. 

Lastly, we have welcomed two new sales consultants, Nicole Muller and Zelda Dalhouzie, to our little family.  As Henry Ford said,  “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”  Let's do it together.

We have launched this innovative supplier's guide in a time when people are talking about the death of print and the decline of the agricultural industry; but through the support of our esteemed advertisers, appreciated co-ops and, most importantly, you, the reader, we have exceeded our own expectations.  AGRIFOODSA, in association with MES Consultants South Africa, would like to thank you for your continued support.

Chantell Schmahl