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Farming in South Africa and the Automobile Industry

The automotive industry and agriculture in South Africa have become intertwined ever since the industrialization of agriculture. With agribusiness booming all over the country it was only a matter of time before the two could no longer be separated. They have become interdependent and you will struggle to find a farmer who isn’t reliant on their vehicle to get the job done.

The Introduction of Vehicles in Agriculture

The shift from manual labour to the industrialized use of tools was a slow process but has undeniably altered the way agriculture functions forever. From agricultural machinery to every boer and their trusted bakkie the two are now inseparable.

Arguably the biggest revolution that came from the introduction of agricultural machinery in the early stages was the tractor. This completely changed the way in which harvesting grain was done. Instead of requiring many hands and the use of basic tools to harvest, tractors were introduced to do the same job with half the people and in half the time. Tractors were first introduced in the 19th century and sparked an interest in streamlining farming activities in order to be able to turn over more produce with less effort and in less time. All ox-powered machines were replaced by internal combustion engines and then by petrol and diesel engines, particularly tractors.

The agricultural machinery evolved with leaps and bounds being made in self-propelled vehicles. Harvesters and threshers became combined and known as a combine harvester. The combine harvester allowed for the cutting, transporting, threshing and separation of grain to be done using a single machine.

Vehicles in the World of Modern Agriculture

The vehicles used in modern agriculture are extremely high-tech. Now the technology used for farming in South Africa makes use of equipment that they can connect their smartphones to via WLAN, USB or Bluetooth to do anything from stream music to viewing the latest weather forecast or operate additional devices on the vehicle via integrated touch screens. 

Some commercial vehicles have the gusto required to accomplish everything a farmer in South Africa will need to handle throughout the day. Ford has many rugged solutions waiting to join you on the farm. Whether you are in the market for agricultural machinery or a commercial vehicle that is tough enough to take on the life of those who work in agriculture in South Africa, visit Agrifood SA’s directory for all your agricultural product needs.

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