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As the world scuttles to contain which is probably the greatest global crisis of our lifetime, the question bodes how we as a company will respond to this reality.  In the recent events of the COVID-19 pandemic which has hit the whole world we have to stay positive in these trying times.  Businesses are taking financial strain and the weakening of the ZAR to the USD also hampers business.

However, we are a company that has proven we stick together, no matter what life throws at us.  We at LTG remain positive and hope that our existing and prospective clients remain the same.  We endeavour to still service the various industries i.e., agriculture, automotive, engineering, medical accessories, clothing and many more.  Our offices remain open and we have implemented strict guidelines in our offices and warehouses to ensure the virus does not infiltrate our work environment.  We have the necessary contingency plans in place should it be required. Our staff are very dedicated, hard-working, valued employees whose communication skills with customers remain of the highest standard.  Our client’s needs are still number one and accurate feedback are still key. 

Our air and sea freight shipments will carry on as usual and we are in close contact with our worldwide agents on any updates and this will be carried through to our customers.

We are still a proud Level 2 BBBEE company who are also ISO 9001:2015 internationally certified.

With the above in mind, we’re challenged by the Word encouraging us not to succumb to fear: 2 Tim. 1:7 – “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind”. Our posture is led by faith and not fear.  It’s wise to protect ourselves against this outbreak, but we can have peace in our hearts knowing our future is safely in God’s hands.  God is bigger than the Coronavirus.

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corona | freight | Transport | supply chain