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Piket Implements Support No Tillage Farming Methods

Piket Implements Support No Tillage Farming Methods

It is not just about the harvest and germination of seed any more. It is about sustainable farming too! When using the no tillage (No Till) planting method or by planting cover crop, you allow old plant rests to form natural compost/mulch, adding to the soil's quality and keeping moisture in the soil, protecting plant roots against the extreme weather conditions and reducing soil erosion. “No till” planting is described as: plant into plant residue.


If you don’t want to spend a fortune; and need to plant any of the following seeds: maize, beans, small grains or apply fertiliser (granular) with seed - then inquire about the Piket Implements Economy No Till Maize Planter. It is robust and strong, build for Africa's hard conditions, with low maintenance and also has adjustable depth control. This planter comes in a 1-row, 2-row, 3-row, 4-row, 5-row and 6-row option. It has three hoppers for application of seed, fine seed and fertiliser (granular). This planter's abilities; exceed all expectations. The planter's operation unit consists of a 3-point toolbar, press wheel, 3 hoppers, seed and fertiliser boots, tine and coulter. Spare parts are generally available.

No till planting is economic, effective and environmentally friendly - but if you are still not convinced by converting to “no till farming”; all Piket Implements planters can be set up for conventional usage too!

The Piket Economy No Till Maize Planter was designed to be used on smaller farms making use of tractor traction, but lately Piket Implements get many orders for 1-row planters to be used to plant a single row, on an already planted field, to fill in the missing row, if one of the current, for example: 24-row planter’s seed funnels got blocked, to prevent any losses in terms of hectares already been prepared with fertiliser.


Contact Piket Implements for more information at tel: +27 (0)22 913 2435 or email: or visit:



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then inquire about the Piket Implements Economy No Till Maize Planter.