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Irrigation Services: The Benefits

Irrigation Services: The Benefits

Professionally installed irrigation systems can have a multitude of benefits. They have the ability to reduce the amount of water used, keep dust-prone areas under control, assist in capturing and storing carbon dioxide, and can be installed to provide the right amount of water to plants, depending on the landscape and climate.

An irrigation system can also be programmed to run at certain times. This can ensure that less water is wasted due to evaporation. The best time to water and prevent extensive evaporation is in the middle of the night (something that is difficult to achieve when watering by hand). This is also useful during times of water restrictions, which happen frequently in water-scarce countries like South Africa.

Irrigation systems can be used in a variety of settings, including farming, golf courses, residential and commercial property gardens, and more.


Irrigation System Services: Choose the Professionals

Even though an irrigation system drastically improves the ease with which one waters, it is a complex system to instal correctly. An irrigation system is comprised of a multitude of parts, including but not limited to pipes, valves, sensors, nozzles, controllers, and rotors.

When deciding on an irrigation supplier it is essential to ensure that they have experience in a few basic services such as irrigation audits, repairs, and installations. One can also request references and referrals. If the consultants are happy to comply, and the feedback is positive, it should be a good indication of a trustworthy company that will recommend and instal the correct irrigation system for your needs.


An Irrigation Audit

Whether you have an existing irrigation system that needs to be replaced, or want to instal a system for the first time, it is important to have an irrigation audit performed. An irrigation audit can determine whether your current irrigation system (if you have one) is working as desired. It can also determine what the correct amount of water would be for the specific eco-system in question, and find ways to circulate water, creating a healthier environment in which the desired plant growth can flourish. An irrigation audit will include detailed reports determining the long- and short-term effects of the current irrigation system, if one is present.


A Professional Installation

Hiring a professional to perform an irrigation audit, and then to install your irrigation system, can be a little pricier, but it is definitely worth it. Irrigation specialists have all the equipment needed to perform an installation. The installation will be executed faster than if you try to do it yourself, and the experts will arrive with the necessary parts. An irrigation system installed by a professional will have a certain aesthetic appeal, as they will know exactly how to neatly install the system that has been chosen. They will also be able to plan and execute a placement design that will ensure that the water requirements described in the audit are met. All you have to do is learn how to program the timer, which is something they can show you!


Irrigation Repair Services

If an irrigation system is installed by a professional you will not have any immediate repairs; however, as with anything, when your irrigation system ages, small problems will creep in. An irrigation supplier will be able to visit your property, find the problem, will know the correct model and parts required (if something needs to be replaced), and will be able to fix the problem at hand with ease.  A good quality irrigation system that has been well maintained should last around twenty years. If you do not know the age of your irrigation system, there are a few signs that can indicate a full irrigation system replacement.

  • An unexpected increase in your water bill that can’t be explained.
  • Frequent repairs of the irrigation system that fall outside of the normal maintenance plan.
  • If your irrigation system isn’t covering the entire area that it is meant to, it could mean that the layout needs to change, or that a whole new system is required.

There are multiple factors to consider when installing an irrigation system, and a professional should always be consulted. At AgriFoodSA we recommend that you contact TurfManzi when it comes to your irrigation needs.  


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Irrigation Services: The Benefits | deciding on an irrigation supplier | Irrigation systems | Irrigation System Services: Choose the Professionals