Grain: Farm to SBS Agri to Table
Grain is the basis for most diets around the world. Grain is required to feed entire communities. But what do you do with all that grain before it reaches those communities? In 2017 SBS took to building silos and storage solutions on a massive scale. Now there is more than enough room for a plentiful harvest.
Grain needs to go through certain processes to prepare it not only for consumption but for storage as well; it needs to be ensured that grain lasts as long as possible. This resource is used as a staple for people and animals, so proper conditioning is essential if one is to get the most from the grain.
Grain Conditioning
Once the grain has been harvested it must be cleaned and to do this quickly and efficiently you’re going to need some help. Ultra-Clean Gravity Screen Cleaners wash grain economically thanks to its flexible features. Flexible mounting allows you to position the screener at the top of a dryer, directly under a bucket elevator or under a dedicated spout, on your distributor.
Farming in South Africa is often humid business so drying of grain is essential to ensuring its longevity and quality. By drying the grain thoroughly it is unlikely to spoil because less moisture means a lower chance of rotting. The Ultra-Dry Drying Bin System dries from the upper side wall which cools and dries with the help of a roof vent system. The heat of the chamber is even recycled to the drying chamber. This way your grain is safely stored and you can cut costs on power too – not to mention how well you will sleep knowing you will not lose livelihood to spoiling!
Grain Storage
Once grain handling systems have transported grain every which way it needs to go, the grain is ready to enter the storage units. A corrugated iron shell is used for farm-based grain storage. You can get different gradients: un-stiffened, stiffened and commercial depending on your storage needs.
You can pick and choose the add-ons you need – from roof ladders to unloading systems, SBS Agri provides large-scale storage solutions for your grain storage needs.