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What is Operation Pollinator?

What is Operation Pollinator?


For over fifteen years, Syngenta’s Operation Pollinator seed mixes, tailored to local conditions, have created essential habitats in the field margins, headlands and fallow land. These habitats provide nesting and food resources for pollinators, beneficial insects, as well as farmland birds, while enhancing overall biodiversity. Operation Pollinator provides farmers with important ecosystem services like pollination and pest control, so as to balance agricultural productivity needs in an environmentally sustainable way.


Why do we need Operation Pollinator?


Biodiversity loss is the result of overexploitation, habitat loss, pollution, climate change among other threats and is a major societal concern globally. This loss has many implications as sustainable agricultural systems and food security depend on the indispensable ecosystem services that biodiversity provides.

More than 75% of food crop types globally depend to some extent on insects and other animals for pollination. The value of pollinators to the global ecosystem is estimated to more than € 150 bn annually. We can help address biodiversity loss and pollinator decline in agricultural landscapes by promoting sustainable practices that enhance biodiversity.


Multi-functional benefits of Operation Pollinator


Operation Pollinator is an essential sustainable farming practice that delivers multiple environmental, economic and social benefits to a wide range of stakeholders.


•Increases pollinators and beneficial insects

•Simultaneously creates habitats for farmland birds and small mammals

•Provides food resources to birds during the winter

•Helps pollinators and beneficial insects to move within landscapes through better connectivity

•Helps protect adjacent water resources by buffering against soil erosion and runoff

•Sustainable tool to support Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs

•Can increase crop yields and quality from better pollination

•Makes best use of non-productive marginal land and headlands

•Can protect crop yields from wildlife crop damage (i.e. from wild boar and deer)

•Qualifies for environmental subsidies

•Develops strong links with the food chain through the creation of premium brand market for produce

•Increases the societal value of the landscape through:

- better aesthetics

- offering recreational areas and ecotourism opportunities arising from connected landscapes

- protecting habitats and biodiversity


What has Syngenta achieved so far?

More than 8 million hectares of farmland in 41 countries worldwide have benefited from enhanced biodiversity through Operation Pollinator and The Good Growth Plan commitment to “help biodiversity flourish” (as of end of 2019).


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Syngenta’s Operation Pollinator seed mixes | tailored to local conditions