Advanced Solutions For Advanced South African Industries
Risk Management
Prevention is the most important part of any risk management strategy. By mitigating risks in advance, organizations save time, effort, and money. Fire risk management is no exception: prevention is key. Fortunately, there are many strategies any organization can put in place to help prevent fires. Simple as it sounds, effective fire risk management comes down to taking a fine toothcomb through the detail. Understanding the essential parts, establishing support mechanisms, and continuously reviewing them to ensure they remain effective. Because it’s better to prevent a fire than to react to one.
What Is A Fire Risk Assessment?
A fire risk assessment is an evaluation of identified fire hazards and fire protection measures. It also includes planning for the safety of people at risk. Ideally, employers, site managers, and safety officers work together to create effective fire safety plans based on fire risk assessments.
Fireground risk management is a tool to determine which risks are acceptable. In analysing risk, the two basic principles are as follows: Do not risk a lot to save a little, and consider the odds—how severe will the consequences be if something goes wrong? When considering the odds, always consider the worst-case scenario.
Fire is a major risk in both the mining and construction sectors which could not only lead to major production and asset losses but also to fatalities. Ensuring that your environment is fully covered at all times against the risk of fire is crucial to every operation.
Advanced Fire Suppression Technologies was founded on 01 March 2000 by Barries Barnard, with the vision of employing people who wanted to work rather than being necessity driven in line with the Company’s nature of being entrepreneurial, and has been inspired by the prospects of a new democratic South Africa and the emerging opportunities from the BEE policy. The company began dealing solely in the fire protection line of business and secured the official sole distributorship of TYCO International safety products in Southern Africa.
TYCO Group is the largest fire protection group in the world solving fire protection needs since 1939 which includes inter alia; ANSUL®, Grinnel, Total Walther, Macron and Wormald. With this alliance we have access to the most advanced fire fighting products in the world.
AFST boasts a customer base in excess of 1150, operating across 15 branches and established distribution networks within South Africa as well as in Sub Saharan and West Africa. The AFST customers with maintenance contracts enjoy a 24/7 on site service offering.
Thanks to 19 years of fire fighting experience and being a proud authorized distributor of the global premium brands from Tyco Fire Protection Products, Advanced Fire Suppression Technologies is the market leader in fire fighting equipment. AFST not only supply the most effective tried and tested equipment and foams available on the world market, they also provide lab based testing of foam, comprehensive technical support, design services, onsite support, field testing, assembly services, as well as service & maintenance of equipment. Their strength lies in their ability to be a single source for all your fire protection system needs. They pride themselves on their ability to support customers with fire protection solutions in diverse markets such as oil and petrochemical producers, mining, power generation plants, logistics, marine & and offshore industries around the world.
In mid-2016 Advanced Fire Suppression Technologies formed Industrial Fire & Hazard Control was formed and focus solely on the Williams Fire & Hazard Control products and services for Southern Africa.
It is the intent of Industrial Fire & Hazard Control to take the expertise and product development of Williams Fire & Hazard Control in flammable liquid fire fighting extinguishment, derived over three generations and developed in the face of extinguishing some of the biggest fires in the history of industrial fires in the world, and to bring this expertise directly to all our clients in the Southern African region and further afield into Africa.
Williams Fire & Hazard Control is primarily a response company, having faced more than 200 of the industry’s most threatening flammable liquid fire scenarios and these responses have shaped the Response Tactics and Equipment that the company has developed to meet and defeat these challenges. As the risks and tank sizes continue to grow proportionally in the industrial sector, it has become necessary to advance tactics and equipment to outpace the contingencies inherent in these operational risks and trends. This, as the sole focus of Williams Fire & Hazard Control, becomes the sole focus of Industrial Fire & Hazard Control.
Fire is a major risk in both the hospitality and commercial sectors which could not only lead to major asset losses but also to fatalities and loss of income.
Ensuring that your hotels, restaurants, warehouses, malls, shops, etc. is fully covered at all times against the risk of fire is crucial to every operation.
With their qualified staff, national and international certifications, AFST are able to ensure that a tailor made system be designed for your needs, giving you peace of mind that your operation is protected against the basic fire risk at hand.
Fire is a major risk in the agriculture sectors which could not only lead to major production and asset losses but also to fatalities.
Ensuring that your equipment, warehouses and infrastructure like silos and cold storage is fully covered at all times against the risk of fire is crucial to every operation.
With their qualified staff, national and international certifications, AFST are able to ensure that a tailor made system be designed for your needs, giving you peace of mind that your operation is protected against the basic fire risk at hand.
Vehicle Suppression:
In every mining operation the machinery is at the heart of every operation. If your equipment is damaged or disabled by Fire, your productivity would be negatively impacted. With our tailor made fire suppression systems, which have been proven and tested to the highest international standards, the risk of fire to your equipment will be kept to a minimal, ensuring that your operation runs without any loss of production due to fire.
With the AFST fully trained personnel and their knowledge of the tough mining environment throughout Africa they can assure their clients of a 24/7 support throughout the African Continent.
The Ansul Vehicle fire Suppression Systems has the latest technology in automated vehicle Fire Suppression Technology. The fully monitored automatic detection systems we not only monitor the system 24/7 but also record the last 5000 events.
The LVS Fire Suppression system agent provides both fire suppression and superior cooling of superheated surfaces while blanketing the fuel and cutting off oxygen to help prevent re-flash. It flows readily into hard to reach areas along the same path flammable liquids may have followed.
With AFSTs’ integrated electronic maintenance module their clients can have peace of mind that their assets are regularly maintained. Pre-scheduled alerts and maintenance planning modules allow for minimal downtime and precise planning in executing the required Maintenance Modules.
Electronic maintenance reports allows for regular reviewing if the work being conducted and can be integrated with your stock management system.
AFST take pride in every installation on their clients’ equipment and ensure thier clients of not only a superior product but a solution that is fit for every mining operation.
Advanced Fire Suppression Technologies, after founded, began dealing solely in the fire protection line of business and secured the official sole distributorship of TYCO International safety products in Southern Africa. The TYCO Group needs no introduction in the Fire Protection sector, and is the largest fire protection group in the world solving fire protection needs since 1939 which includes the ANSUL product – The very product that dominate the kitchen sector in the 3 main purchasing groups.
Normally the first step when selecting a fire system to protect your assets will be to perform a hazard analysis, and identify the equipment to be protected. This is where Ansul Kitchen systems have made it really easy to get surety that all is protected. To start off with, is Ansul Kitchen Suppression systems completely free standing and mechanically operational. However, the system can house electrical and gas shut-off valves to shut down appliances, sound alarms and fulfil various other uses. The following should not only be an incentive for the 3 main purchasing groups, i.e. The Kitchen Hood Fabricator and Kitchen Supply House, the A/E Consultants and Fire departments and the end user.
Hospitality Industry:
The heart of Ansul Restaurant systems lies in their ability to quickly detect and suppress fires. They are designed in such a way that the complete canopy with the plenum area and ducting are protected. The R102 and Piranha Ansul Kitchen systems use advanced extinguishing agents to ensure rapid flame knockdown and vapour securement. Cooling these high efficiency appliances after initial flame knockdown is critical to eliminate a re-flash and minimising restaurant downtime.
The best feature enabling developers and builders alike to make informed decisions such as the procurement of flooring products and appliances are the simple fact that the Agent consist of pretty much a neutral PH, not only contributing to the safety and environmental aspect, but also leaving stainless appliances and equipment to be free of corrosion when cleaned and maintained according to the Ansul Kitchen Fire Suppression System manual. The other fantastic part is that the whole system is made of stainless steel, which in return gain the respect of the aesthetic parts of any kitchen.
Despite the fact that there are no official law in Southern-Africa, making it mandatory to have a Kitchen Suppression system in your commercial kitchen, there is however an increase and interest in sales, and have absolutely more than doubled over the last 3 years. And AFST as a company cannot be more proud to be seen as part of this rapid growing business in Southern-Africa.
- Ansul kitchen systems comply with most of the international approvals and listings – UL300, ULC, MEA, ABS and CE
- Two types of systems to choose from; R102 which has an Agent only as a Flame knockdown, simultaneously forming a thick blanket to prevent re-flashes, and The Piranha System, where the Agent is dispersed 1st as the main flame retardant and then water will follow, making the Piranha system not only 15 times faster than a normal single agent wet system, but also requires 60% less Agent.
- All systems are manual and automatic unless otherwise stated by the client.
- Systems can be designed according to a specific floor layout, however, the most popular is to put an overlapping system in place, that will give coverage anywhere underneath the canopy the system is installed on.
- All systems has a five year limited warranty
Without singling anyone out, people are always quick to say that if there establishment should burn down then that is exactly the reason why they have insurance. But what they don’t think off is the downtime whilst repairing is taking place, wages that still needs to be paid, loss of regular clientele and even the realistic part that someone might have loss a life.
Always have supplement fire fighting equipment, such as hand-portable equipment available. (Correct applications for specific fires).
New Venture And New Products:
The Advanced Group of Companies have an absolute PASSION for their clients, their employees and their families. It is for this reason that they take your health so seriously. In fact, seriously enough to focus the Group’s resources, engineering capability, supply chain management, R&D resources, financial ability and the entire skills base in an endeavour to maximize the National efforts in keeping you safe from Covid-19 since 2019.
In this endeavour, the Group has developed a COVID-19 and beyond programme to assist its valued clients to mitigate the Corona Virus. Each product/service is designed and selected to ensure maximum efficacy at the very best possible price. In these challenging times, value-for-money with the highest rate of success is what Advanced is bringing to the market.
What Is Advanced VITA Sanitiser?
Advanced VITA is a sanitiser, decontamination, sterilising and disinfecting solution that is 100% non-toxic. It is one of very few solutions on the market that is known to kill all Pathogens and is the only one that is 100% non-toxic. This makes it the most ideal solution for all our applications, especially when having to deal with sanitising of people.
The main area of infection and contamination on the human body is the face (nose, mouth, eyes, etc) so what use is a sanitiser that cannot be sprayed or applied on the face due to any level of toxicity?
Being a HOCl product, we have reams of scientific and medical tests and reports on the product that go back 30 years. Coupled to this, is the EPA certification of the product.
What Is HOCl?
HOCI is the chemical compound called Hypochlorous Acid. HOCl is a naturally occurring chemical that is produced by our white blood cells!
It fights bacteria and inflammation after an infection or trauma.
This means that HOCl provides a unique, natural, safe and powerful way to eradicate dangerous organisms, while not causing harm to our cells.
HOCl is one of the only chemicals that is non-toxic yet lethal to almost all known dangerous bacteria and viruses.
Why Call It A 4-in-1 Solution?
Because Advance Vita is a unique combination of non-toxic HOCl and Nano AG+, diluted at a suitable strength, it can be used to :
Sanitise your hands, face, spray in your nose and use as a gargle to destroy any pathogens present.
Give It To Me In A Nutshell?
ADVANCED VITA HOCl is 100% natural, non-toxic, contains NO alcohol and is completely safe and effective against ALL Pathogens.
For more information: morris@advancedhcs.africa or simon@advancedgrp.co.za