In The Middle of Nowhere? Why Internet Connectivity on Farms is Important
For agribusinesses and farms across the globe, internet connectivity is becoming more and more important by the day. Whether for high-tech, smart equipment deployments, or for better client and supplier communication, internet connectivity can be crucial for day-to-day affairs. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of internet connectivity on farms and how to find the connectivity solution your agribusiness needs to thrive.
What Are The Benefits of Internet Connectivity on Farms?
Internet connectivity offers a variety of benefits for remote areas, as well as opening up more business and improved operation opportunities.
Precision Farming and IoT – In order to have a smart, IoT network deployed on farms, it is crucial to have access to high-speed, reliable internet connectivity.
Improved, Streamlined Communication – Internet connectivity will improve communication, whether to clients or suppliers, as opportunities for email, VoIP, and video calling become viable.
Better Marketing Opportunities – Agribusinesses are able to improve their marketing strategies with access to reliable internet connectivity, using social media and website platforms.
Increased Safety – IP (Internet Protocol) surveillance and security equipment can be deployed around farm properties in order to increase safety and minimise trespassing.
How Can Remote Areas Get Connected?
The options for reliable internet connectivity is often challenging for remote areas. Fibre optic network areas are limited, mobile signals can be near non-existent, and copper phone wires are not always the best choice for high-speed, reliable internet. Many farmers therefore opt for premium satellite services, having their own towers dedicated to their property for fast and secure wireless bandwidth.
For specialised service providers, who offer last-mile, satellite-based connectivity solutions to remote areas, browse through the agricultural products and services directory on Agrifood SA.