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Where To Find Kikuyu Grass In South Africa And Why It Is Beneficial

Kikuyu boasts a host of benefits and is sought after by many industries in South Africa, especially those in the agricultural sector. Here are just some of the reasons Kikuyu grass seeds are the talk of the town, especially amongst farmers in South Africa.

Kikuya Grass Benefits in South Africa

South Africa has regions with varying climates that may be too harsh for certain kinds of grass to grow. Kikuyu grass overcomes these issues with its robust nature that lends itself well to many of the South Africa’s varying regions and climates. Stoloniferous above ground and rhizomatous below ground make the Kikuyu a perennial summer grass.

This cover crop is well adapted to temperate, subtropical and tropical conditions. It can even survive bouts of severe frost. The Kikuyu grass’ ability to not only survive, but thrive in a number of climates is highly beneficial to agricultural lands across South Africa.

Why Kikuyu Grass and Kikuyu Grass Seeds are so Sought After in Agriculture

Alongside its ability to adapt to a number of climates, the Kikuyu grass seeds are sought after in agriculture for their use in grazing pastures for weaner calves, dairy cattle and sheep. When surplus is produced in summer (during its most effective growth period) it can be used as foggage for winter or even ensiled. You can purchase Kikuyu grass and various other seeds and products from AGT Foods Africa.

Different Applications for Kikuyu Grass in South Africa

Along with being used to grow pastures for feeding livestock, the Kikuyu grass seeds and grass can be used for the following benefits as well:

  • Cover crops blends for long term soil erosion control
  • Stabilise soil aggregates
  • Can be used as turf grass
  • Recovers quickly after being cut
  • Often used for sports pitches like hockey, rugby, cricket fields as well as gold courses

For more agricultural products with benefits similar to Kikuyu grass seeds visit our agricultural directory.

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