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The KSB Group Is One Of The Leading Producers Of Pumps, Valves And Related Systems.

With 15,600 employees around the world, they work for maximum customer satisfaction in Building Service, Water, Waste Water, Industry, Energy and Mining Sectors.

KSB AG has been represented in South Africa since the early 1900’s through agents.  In 1959 KSB Pumps (SA) was established with the objectives to shorten the communication lines, thereby increasing value to the customer by coordinating the sales and service operations.  Today, a modern sophisticated production facility has been installed in its plant in Germiston, Gauteng.


Your World, Our Vision

We want to be the most successful company in our markets. So, we operate close to our customers worldwide, and fulfil their wishes as perfectly as possible. We concentrate our activities on sectors in which we can achieve volume growth, and are either already market leaders, or could become so.

We want to demonstrate more skill than our competitors.

The quality with which we perform should be exemplary. This is the responsibility of every single employee. We always aim to adapt quickly to changes in customer wishes and find new technical solutions.

We want to be an independent and profitable company.

Our profitability is designed to underpin our company's independence and the security of the jobs it provides.

We want employees who take on leadership responsibilities.

Direction and decisions are needed close to where they determine actions. Our managers must have the skills to develop and achieve goals with their teams. They also motivate and enable staff to improve the company day by day.


We want to be the best people's best company.

Our employees have the opportunities to use their skills and be successful members of KSB. We communicate openly, reward on performance, and encourage individuals' professional development. Our company culture, achievements and goals make us attractive for people who want to base their working lives around success.

We want to respect social values and the environment.

Our behavior respects local social values wherever we operate. Worldwide, our standards of environmental protection are stricter than legislation requires. Our communication with society at large builds credibility, strengthens public trust in us, and contributes to a positive image.



  • Water
  • Waste Water
  • Industry
  • Energy
  • Building Services
  • Mining
  • Service
  • System Engineering


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The Ksb Group Is One Of The Leading Producers Of Pumps | Valves And Related Systems.