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Innovative Poultry Solutions For The Farmer From The Farmer

Innovative Poultry Solutions For The Farmer From The Farmer

The most expensive and vitally important aspect when it comes to poultry farming is feeding. Therefore, when investing in a poultry feeding system it is vital to ensure that it will help a farmer run their operation optimally and assure profitability.

But what is the purpose of a feeding system? Feeding systems ensure that all chickens are fed in a short period and that every chicken gets the right daily portion of feed and nutrition. Therefore, each chicken has an equal chance to eat an equal amount of feed at the same time. This is the purpose behind every feeding system.

The main goal of poultry feeding systems is flock uniformity, throughout the flock's life cycle, to ensure maximised consistency. The more consistent the flocks are, the more repeatable the turnover and planning can be.

This article will discuss the benefits of a poultry feeding system as well as dive into different types of feed delivery systems.


Benefits of a Poultry Feeding System

The benefits of a poultry feeding system include:

1.Ensures Clean Feed

Chicken feeders are meticulously designed to keep the outdoor elements away from the food. They reduce the damage caused by adverse weather conditions and ensure the food stays dry and germ-free. Furthermore, their features prevent birds from standing in the food trays. There is no room for the chicken to contaminate the feed which is a common issue with manual feeding.

2.Feed Safety Against Pests

Big farm areas often deal with unwanted visitors like rats and pests. These intruders will most likely enter the chicken coops, disrupting the feathery flocks' everyday life. These pests tend to eat the poultry feed resulting in loss of product and flock uniformity. Chicken feeders are equipped with a protective net around the feed making it difficult for most pests, such as mice, to get to it.

3.Ensure Flock Uniformity

The uniformity of a flock begins with what and how much a chicken consumes daily. Assuming the feed's nutritional basis and quality are both sufficient, the next stage is to ensure that the nutrients are distributed evenly to each chicken.

Inadequate flock uniformity is mostly caused by insufficient feeder space and weak feed distribution. In the breeding cycle, good uniformity is often defined as +/-10% of a flock being 70-80% average weight measured against the required weight standard. Flocks with less than 70% of the total population will have a bad start, affecting the production cycle; flocks with more than 80% would perform better overall.

4.Reduces Wastage

When manually feeding chicks there is an increase in feed wastage. Poultry feeding systems ensure less spillage, consistent feed supply, and reduces fights breaking out under chicks for food. The systems ensure that all feed is used and that all birds get the opportunity to get their fill. No manual feeding means more time to spend on other important tasks.


Types of Poultry Feed Delivery Systems

Chain Feeding Systems

The chain feeder system's primary role is to provide powdered chicken feed from the external feed straight into the poultry house in a pre-determined volume. Chain feeding systems are also used for floor and layer management.

Automatic Pan Feeder

When it comes to broiler and animal domestication, automatic pan feeders are a very popular and dependable option amongst poultry farmers. Knowledge of these feeding systems is critical, especially if you want to care for many chickens on the farm. These feeders can include feed hoppers and integrated feed chain systems, as well as different automatic feed scales that are all meant to decrease manual work while ensuring that all animals are adequately fed.

Round and Hanging Tube Feeders

Round and hanging tube feeders have lower levels of efficiency and equal distribution, making them less optimal feeding systems. Considering the shortcomings of the systems, the breeder must be someone who has some expertise in working and dealing with these technologies and gadgets.


Poultry Feeding Systems in South Africa

The greatest and most successful feeding system is one that provides the chickens with a controlled and balanced amount of nourishment. Furthermore, it is always advised to contact a professional animal nutritionist that is well-versed in all of the nutritional needs of poultry flocks.


AgrifoodSA recommends contacting African Poultry Solutions for full house solutions for broiler and breeder farms.

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