A Time to stay Positive and Faithful with LTG
Taking into account the recent international logistical and supply chain difficulties created by the COVID-19 pandemic, we at LTG continued to service businesses that were in the essential goods sector.
This was possible by arranging and managing import & export shipments under extreme complex circumstances, assisting with Permits and CIPC certificates and constantly advising and communicating with our clients. We are fortunate to have passionate and reliable staff who were always available and still went the extra mile, despite being confined to “home offices”. E-mails, Skype & Zoom meetings have become the norm.
When Level 4 of was nationally announced, LTG already had all the necessary occupational health and safety measures prepared to prevent the possible spreading of COVID-19 infections in our workplaces. This enabled us to have the staff then also return to the offices in separate stages and ensuring the prescribed social distancing was adhered to. Throughout Level 4 as well as the with the introduction of Level 3, all aspects of the preventative measures were maintained and monitored. This will continue until the measures are lifted by the Departments of Health and Labour.
During these trying times, LTG has also once again learned that we have extremely capable logistics and service providers, who have assisted with difficult and often impossible shipment arrangements. All turned out to be done very professionally and to the satisfaction of our clients.
The ongoing support received from our valuable clients have been nothing short of phenomenal and we could not have done it without their belief in LTG.
Going forward we accept that there will be obstacles and hurdles to overcome but staying positive and capable in these times are crucial and that’s the motto we want to be known by.
For more about LTG, click here.