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New Profit Promotor for SA Potato Growers

New Profit Promotor For SA Potato Growers

Bayer Crop Science Launches Cutting-Edge Emesto® Silver to Boost Quality Potato Yields

Bayer Crop Science has successfully completed registration for Emesto® Silver in South Africa and will launch it commercially next month. This innovative potato seed treatment fungicide is on display at the Bayer Crop Science stand at this year’s much anticipated Nampo Harvest Day 16-20 May.

The availability of Emesto® Silver is a great step forward for South African potato producers who will be able to use this crop protection product to improve yield, tuber quality and profit. Emesto® Silver is a flowable concentrate systemic fungicide registered for the control of stem canker and black scurf on potatoes caused by Rhizoctonia solani.

Because it promotes the quick emergence of potato plants, it minimizes the risk of Rhizoctonia attacks. Trials in South Africa confirmed the effectiveness of the product under local conditions and demonstrated how it delivers more marketable potatoes in combination with another Bayer crop protection product.

“Our trials demonstrated the ability of Emesto® Silver to promote plant growth, and a better root system. It also delivered better looking and higher quality tubers and the combination increased the tuber sizes in the XL and L classes,” says André du Toit, Bayer Crop Science Go-To Market Manager (Potatoes and Vegetables) South Africa.



During two specific trials in the Eastern Free State, the control had 8,42% sand splits compared to the 1,35% Emesto® Silver. All these positive factors deliver a more marketable yield, giving the producer a great return.

While these specific trials demonstrated an impressive 19% increase in yield, it is important to note that over 14 demonstration plots, an average yield increase of 5% was observed. In general, we can say with confidence that Emesto® Silver gives potato users a head-start with these benefits:


Better growth

A better root system was observed with the application of Emesto® Silver.


Better Quality

Throughout the demonstration trial program, a positive effect on yield and quality was consistently observed. Emesto® Silver delivers an increase in tuber size in the XL and L classes.

Rhizoctonia solani/sand splits – Control showed 8,42% sand splits compared to the 1,35% of the Emesto® Silver.


Better yield

An average yield increase of 5% was observed over 14 demonstrations.



“The product was tested under various conditions in potato producing areas in South Africa and in accordance with local registration guidelines. As a larger Bayer Crop Science team, we are all very excited about adding value to our portfolio,” says André.

“Simply put, better quality, growth and yield means better profitability to our farmer customers. The registration of Emesto® Silver improves our offering to farmers for a more complete crop protection package”.

Emesto® Silver contains Penflufen* and Prothioconazole* and both these actives support resistance management. The product is also registered and used in many other countries including The Netherlands, Canada, Germany, USA, Chile and Argentina.



In the battle against Rhizoctonia infections, it is important to note what the ideal conditions are for the proliferation thereof:

  • Dry or heavy poorly drained cold soils with temperatures ranging from 13 – 16°C.
  • Tuber-borne inoculum is key for Rhizoctonia canker whereas soil-borne inoculum causes stronger development of black scurf.
  • All factors slowing emergence (e.g. cold weather, deep planting.) increases Rhizoctonia risk, as potato stems are much less susceptible to attack by Rhizoctonia after green tissue develops following emergence.
  • Wounding of potatoes (wireworm, insects and plant parasitic nematodes).
  • Frequency of potato crops.
  • Haulm destruction via chemical destruction or cutting of the shoots; haulm pulling showing less infection.


André du Toit, Bayer Crop Science Go-To Market Manager (Potatoes and Vegetables) South Africa, recently announced the registration of Emesto® Silver in South Africa.


Plant volume comparison done in January 2020 during South African trials in the Free State: Standard on the left and Emesto silver between Thom Steyn (Crop Science Area Manager Eastern Free State) and Andre du Toit, Bayer Crop Science Go-To Market Manager (Potatoes and Vegetables) South Africa. Throughout the demonstration trial program, we have consistently observed a positive effect on yield and quality.


For media inquiries:

Liza Bohlmann

Media Liaison Bayer Crop Science South & East Africa


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New Profit Promotor for SA Potato Growers | Bayer crop science | NAMPO | Bayer Crop Science Launches Cutting-Edge Emesto® Silver to Boost Quality Potato Yields