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Smart Agriculture Crop Management for Sustainable Farming

Agricultural crop management teams must always keep crop improvement and sustainable farming in mind. To feed the ever growing population, the agricultural industry is quickly learning to use modern tools and techniques to ensure agricultural products make it to the market.

Innovations made in crop management and crop improvement make for more successful yields while using fewer resources. Some agricultural crop management functions and crop improvements from the experts, like Joined Specialised Farming (JSF), are designed to keep the soil healthy and ready for the next crop rotation via natural means. The following are some of the techniques being applied to farms all over South Africa by those leading the way in innovative agriculture crop management:


Bladrammenas to Avoid Damage from Common Nematodes

If you have never worked with harvesting produce, this may sound like Greek to you. It’s simple really: nematodes, or eelworms, are common creatures that live in the soil. While around 50% are beneficial for the soil, the other half are parasitic with disastrous consequences. They feed either internally or externally on the plant’s roots and have been found to damage as much as 12% of agricultural production.

Bladrammenas are plants that are used to encourage soil drainage, improve soil structure and are resistant to frost before the next crop in the rotation is planted. They come in the form of Doublet and Terranova.

Bladrammenas, along with continuous cropping rotation, can reduce the destruction caused by nematode infestations by up to 99%, and they are natural! Not only do Bladrammenas have deep roots to improve the next crop’s drainage, they will also serve as compost that feeds the soil and keeps away parasites once the land is ready for the next crop.

For more crop improvement and crop management solutions visit our agricultural directory.

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