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NMR & EPR Food Analysis Solutions Juice-Profiling (NMR)

NMR & EPR Food Analysis Solutions Juice-Profiling (NMR)

For each fruit juice a multitude of parameters related to quality and authenticity is evaluated simultaneously from a single data set acquired within a few minutes..


SGF Profiling™ is an NMR-based screening method for fruit juices which has been developed in a joint effort by Bruker BioSpin GmbH and SGF International e.V. For each fruit juice a multitude of parameters related to quality and authenticity is evaluated simultaneously from a single data set acquired within a few minutes.

  • Automated push-button NMR solution based on 400 MHz including evaluation and reporting
  • Reliable screening method providing targeted and non-targeted multi-marker analysis
  • Statistical analysis is based on an extensive NMR spectroscopic database of more than 16.000 reference juices, obtained from production sites all over the world and is regularly updated.
  • Targeted Analysis: Simultaneous absolute quantification of relevant organic compounds with reference to A.I.J.N. and NMR distribution
  • Non-Targeted Analysis: NMR-Profile is compared with the corresponding group of reference spectra.
  • Deviating concentrations (even of unidentified compounds) are detected automatically.
  • Classification Analysis, e.g. the determination of fruit origin
  • Determination of fruit content (detection of addition of water, amino acids or sugar)



SGF Profiling delivers a standard targeted multi-marker analysis incorporating absolute quantification of:

Sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose)

Main fruit acids (citric acid, malic acid, isocitric acid, quinic acid)

Perishable indicators (ethanol, fumaric acid, lactate, HMF)

Process control parameters (galacturonic acid, phlorin)

In addition the technique allows a non-targeted multi marker approach that is based on the simultaneous assessment of concentration deviations of hundreds of compounds. In contrast to targeted standard analytical routines, it can detect the appearance of unexpected ingredients to enable the detection of unknown fraud.


Spectroscopic Database:

The screening is based on an extensive spectroscopic database that includes thousands of NMR spectra from mainly authentic juices. Currently the data base includes about 40 different fruit types from more than 50 production sites worldwide. In addition, the database also provides access to over hundreds of small molecule compounds for further analysis of unknown ingredients.


Push-Button Routine:

SGF Profiling is a fully automated push-button routine that needs no interaction by the operator. From sample bar code registration, preparation and handling, to data acquisition and statistical evaluation, all steps are under the control of SampleTrack™, Bruker’s laboratory information system.

Bruker’s commitment to provide customers with unparalleled help throughout the buying cycle, from initial inquiry to evaluation, installation, and the lifetime of the instrument is now characterized by the LabScape service concept.

LabScape Maintenance Agreements, On-Site On-Demand and Enhance Your Lab are designed to offer a new approach to maintenance and service for the modern laboratory

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