Fertasa: Fertilizer Association of Southern Africa
Fertasa: Fertilizer Association of Southern Africa
by R.O. Barnard, Chief Technical Advisor, Fertasa
In our ongoing endeavour to keep pace with emerging scientific developments in the fields of plant nutrition and fertilization, Fertasa is involved in a number of technical activities.
FACTS (Fertilizer Advisors’ Certification and Training Scheme)
BASOS (Bemestingadviseurs Sertifisering- en Opleidingskema)
This has been an ongoing activity since 1998 with some 1200 alumni.
Persons with this industry-based qualification have a sound basic understanding of soil science, plant nutrition and fertilization. Unless they are registered themselves with SACNASP (South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions) they need to work under supervision of a person so registered, to meet legal requirements.
PRAS (Product Registration Application System)
Realising the need to provide guidance and training in preparing quality applications for submission to DALRRD (Department of Agriculture, Land Redistribution and Rural Development) in the registration of fertilizer products, this short course has recently been introduced. The fertilizer products are required to be registered in terms of Act 36 of 1947 (as amended from time to time).
This is a six-month course, with contact sessions and written assignments. Due to the Covid-19 challenge, the first course is currently being presented utilising Zoom sessions.
Fertilizer Handbook
This publication commenced in 1974 and is updated from time to time. It contains general sections on soil, water, plant nutrition, fertilizers, soil ameliorants, precision agriculture, general fertilization, and specifics for different crops. Contributors are industry specialists, researchers, academics, and others, mainly on a voluntary basis.
It is used for the FACTS course, as well as by many in the industry as a whole and is recognized as a standard text on fertilization.
An E-book version has recently been released.
An annual Symposium and focussed Workshops on Relevant and Topical Subjects
Recent examples are:
- Fertilizer Nutrient Use Efficiency
- 2020 Vision for Crop Production Under Climate Change
- Back to Basics for the Future
- Effective Stewardship of Fertilizer in Practice
- Fertilization Requirements of Specific Crops
Fertasa Master Class
The Fertasa Master Class has been introduced for several reasons:
- To assist employees of Fertasa member companies in enhancing their professional careers.
- To assist SACNASP registered professionals to obtain CPD points as per statutory requirements.
- To enhance / deepen the scientific base of Fertasa with pertinent plant nutrition and fertilization material for inclusion in developmental training and publications.
Admission to Master Class
- Employees of, or persons working in association with, Fertasa member companies, will be considered for participation by an advisory panel.
- Participants should be in possession of a diploma or degree in agricultural, natural or ecological sciences (with an edaphological focus) or have completed the FACTS/BASOS course with an average of at least 75%.
More details are available from Fertasa.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Many of the above activities qualify for CPD points for SACNASP Scientists. Details may be obtained from Hermien Wouda general@fertasa.co.za
In Conclusion
The above activities are focussed on deepening the science base of our members and the fertilizer industry in general, as well as leading in emerging challenges.
For more details, contact:
Hermien Wouda
Tel: 012 349 1450
Email: general@fertasa,co,za
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