Zimmatic by Lindsay Africa offers agricultural irrigation systems with field-tested reliability to reduce downtime, industry-leading technology, and the durability you need to grow your operation for years to come.\
Beyond center pivot and lateral move irrigation systems, they provide integrated pump stations and filtration, field layout and total system design, remote monitoring and control systems, and the design and installation of in-field broadband communication infrastructure.
Zimmatic by Lindsay Africa has an extensive network of Zimmatic dealers throughout sub-Sahara Africa, with the largest concentration in South Africa. These dealers are trained to provide design, sales, installation and after-sales service to growers and to keep inventories of essential parts.
For more information contact:
Tanya 082 853 0265 • tanya.brits@lindsayafrica.co.za
Chrisjan 083 647 8402
Jurie 060 987 1561
Or visit their website.