Sweet Betty Forage Sorghum - The Sweet Choice
Sweet Betty is a high yielding sorghum x sorghum hybrid. Its high sugar levels enhance the energy value of the crop while also making it a palatable forage.
A high stem to leaf ratio with juicy stalks further enhances the desirability of this excellent forage. Sweet Betty makes for an excellent silage, however, it can also be grazed, cut for green chop or cut and baled for hay.
The sorghum plant should not be grazed or cut below 15cm height. When the plant reaches a height of approximately 1m, the first grazing or cutting activity can commence. By allowing the plant to grow to 1m, the plant productivity is enhanced, and the risk of prussic acid poisoning (HCN) declines.
Prussic acid poisoning is most prominent in plants that are shorter than 60cm, moisture stressed or frost damaged. Cutting or grazing when the plant is 60-120cm high will maintain the best quality forage.
Seeds should be sowed shallow in moistened soil. The soil temperature should be >15°C for adequate germination and growth.
Planting rates:
12-15kg/ha for dryland
20-25 kg/ha under irrigation
One kilogram of seed contains approximately 30 000 seeds.
Contact: Stephan Botha
Tel: 011 762 5261
Email: sbotha@agtfoods.com
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